Friday, July 31, 2009

My Slice o' Life

So, I finally have a hour to myself. Michael has taken the kids for a bike ride. You would think I would take advantage of the free time, but no, I am upstairs poking around and I decide to look out the window at the corner. We live a house away from a great corner. I call it the "slice of life" corner. One bend is home to the town funeral home and directly across from that is one of the busy town churches. We can see both from our home. On any given day we are flies on the wall of the celebrations of life. There may be a wake, christening, wedding, or funeral. There are bagpipes playing all the time for both tears of joy and tears of sorrow. I am always telling the kids as they walk to the car - quiet, there is a funeral going on or hey, look at the bride!

Tonight, because it is beautiful, the corner is busy. Bikers, joggers, walkers with strollers, seniors taking a stroll, are all enjoying this great day. And as I look out the window this evening, I realize I simply wanted to see a slice of my own life, for once, on the corner. And they do not disappoint! Michael rounds the bend getting ready to walk his bike across the street and too-tough Madeline on her brand-new big bike is riding like to catch up. Michael is in the rear getting ready to cross the street with them. I know in a few minutes it will be hectic again, but for the brief moment I am enjoying my slice.

So, here starts my blog.....I have been meaning to so this for a while. I read so many other great blogs and felt it was finally time to share my story. It will be full of our everyday life at home...during our major home renovation. Who knew door knob selection required a committee? Hope you stay tuned!

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