Sunday, May 23, 2010

Walk away from the CRAZY

OK, this has nothing to do with this post
but here is a sneak peek at our sink
There is a lot more built - next post


It has been a long week. Between work, kids, home, and sports it has been a lot to keep straight. Then throw in a visit from a favorite MS friend, optic neuritis. It makes the challenging more challenging. It makes me have to choose. Time to choose between the events and priorities that I can't miss or I will be sad and those that I need to miss and will be sad. The choices are not easy.

It is difficult to explain optic neuritis. My eye hurts - 24/7 - when I wake up it hurts, when I go to bed it hurts, and in between it hurts.  It hurts when I move it and it hurts when I don't. The vision is off. When isolated the colors are markedly different.  It is almost like there is a grey screen over the eye and I get a blurry half glimpse of the true technicolor. But eyes are funny.  They compensate for one another. So when both are working the differences and losses are not as obvious. I think that is true of many things.  We compensate. I do more because I can. And I pray that they day does not come when I can't.

The kicker to make it better is that I have to go on a lot of steroids. Not the easiest. They make it difficult to sleep - a lot of late night tivo watching! They make it easy to cry - a good amount of teary moments. And they make it easy to get annoyed - a fine amount of cut it out you are bugging me moments! But they make it better. So I take the bad with the good.

I missed a fun, crazy reunion with my Kappa sisters this weekend. Thirteen years after graduation, these events are even more special as we not only remember the past but catch up on the present. I will have to wait until next time. I saw my son hit a double in baseball and my daughter run on the soccer field. Those things can't wait until next time.

I received a call this week from a woman whose child goes to my daughter's school.  She asked if she upset me because I was not my "usual friendly" the last time I saw her. If truth be told - I cannot actually remember who she is.  I have to be at events with hundreds of parents and kids as chair of our PSO. Believe it or not, I don't remember everyone.  99% yes. 1% no. She is in the 1% no category. She may not have made an impact in person, but her call certainly did. She was right. I am usually very friendly. I also know that I am very thankful and appreciative and very hands-on. I was taken back. About the same time as her call, the planets aligned and my steroids kicked in. Yes, she made me cry. I cried because I know I was not unfriendly to anyone - even the gal I cannot remember. Maybe she did not know all that I have been going through. Maybe she did not even care to know.

I have run her call in my head over and over. I have decided to walk away from the crazy. Her crazy reminded me that we cannot judge someone without walking in their shoes. We cannot put expectations on other people - A lesson I sometimes have to be reminded of.  And we cannot put expectations on our self.

I am not usually good at walking away. In fact, I don't remember a time that I have walked away. This time I must to be true to myself.

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