Wednesday, July 28, 2010


One of my favorite things this summer is our garden. So Fresh. So Simple. So Perfect. So Unpredictable and Predictable all at the same time.

I always delight in "harvesting" our vegetables. I am always amazed at the growth. I seems obvious that plants grow. But I get stuck on the miracle of it. How one day there is no tomato - the next I am eating it right off the vine. That the freshest of vegetables are now on our plates.

It is the stuff that prayers are made of. Bless us, oh Lord, for these thy gifts we are about to receive through thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Maybe it is because I work in a catholic school and church - and that this blessing is said at every meal, but I feel blessed to have the bounty. I have a spotlight shining on my bounty and how fortunate I am. We are. We are fortunate for the growth. And it goes far beyond the vegetables.

The spotlight has shined on a lot of this week. I have had to pause and take a deep breath. I am seeing my own growth amidst a very difficult situation. I have been tested. I am still in the middle of the test.

I know in my heart that I will grow. No - this is not life or death, no this is not illness, no this is not my worst day with MS, and Yes, I will get through the valley. Maybe only after I see the gift in it.

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